Roll on Season 06!
After I ran out of puff midway through Season 05, there is an innovation this year, a team of contributors will come on board to provide their own unique perspectives. Recruitment is still under way, at this stage we are still short of a few places, so lets see how things pan out.
The idea is to have a supporter of each team contribute their view of how things went on the weekend. I will put the comments up in pairs for each game. Then of course others can buy in using the Comments facility. Those who are sufficiently enthusiastic can contribute extra stuff, like their favorite stories, their greatest team ever, how they learned to love the game, their most memorable achievement if they played, etc etc.
Contributors can use real names or a dummy, no probs either way. My tipping record was so poor last year I wish I had used a false name.
Lets start with a round of pre-season comments and predictions. The first cab off the rank here is our Kangaroos representative. Welcome aboard Arden Fast!
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